Energy costs have risen to unbelievable heights and salons are looking for creative solutions to stay in business, from switching to cheaper heating services to insulating their property. While these remedies can reduce your energy bills, there's one thing you can do: switch to an energy-efficient sunbed.
The Sunfit Electronic Ballasts – energy-saving technology – power the low-pressure lamps in Ultrasun sunbeds.
Energy-saving technology:
- Seperate starters not required
- Increased tube lifetime by 20%
- Lower energy consumption
- 0.3 / UV3 norm
- 120W tubes
Ultrasun energy-efficient sunbeds

Ultrasun Q18 High-Power
Technical Specifications
Top Lamps: 25 x Sunfit RXL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Base Lamps: 20 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Facial Lamps: -
Shoulder Lamps: 6 x Sunfit S 25W
Max. Session Time: 15 minutes
Power Consumption: 8.500 W

Ultrasun Q14 High-Power
Top Lamps: 22 x Sunfit RXL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Base Lamps: 18 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Facial Lamps: -
Shoulder Lamps: 5 x Sunfit S 25W
Max. Session Time: 15 minutes
Power Consumption: 5.400 W (6.400 W with airco)

Ultrasun Q10 High-Power
Top Lamps: 22 x Sunfit RXL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Base Lamps: 16 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Facial Lamps: -
Shoulder Lamps: 5 x Sunfit S 25W
Max. Session Time: 15 minutes
Power Consumption: 5.100 W

Ultrasun Q6 High-Power
Top Lamps: 16 x Sunfit RXL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Base Lamps: 16 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Facial Lamps: -
Shoulder Lamps: 5 x Sunfit S 25W
Max. Session Time: 15 minutes
Power Consumption: 4.100 W

Ultrasun E4
Top Lamps: 14 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Base Lamps: 14 x Sunfit XL3 120W E-Tronic | 190 cm
Facial Lamps: -
Max. Session Time: 15 minutes
Power Consumption: 3.500 W
Benefits Ultrasun energy-efficient sunbed
In layman's terms these sunbeds deliver the same, deep, fantastic tan as their high-wattage counterparts. So, imagine yourself laying on the beach enjoying the midday Mediterranean summer sun without the risk of high energy costs.
- High-quality tan
- Low risk of sunbed burn
- Less energy use at start-up and during session
- Lower wattage per tube
- Integrated energy-saving settings
How much would it cost to run an Ultrasun sunbed?
A 'unit' of electricity is 1 kilowatt-hour, i.e. equivalent to running 1000 Watt appliances for 1 hour, and costs around *£0.34
The Q14 has 40 x 120-Watt tubes and uses 5.4 kilowatts, so it would cost around £1.84 to run for an hour.
If you charge your customers £3 per 5 minutes, the Q14 will earn you £36 per hour. So, your electricity costs are 1.84/36 or roughly 5% of your earnings.
That means that 5% of what you've earned in that hour will go to overhead costs. Compared to other brands that are equivalent in size, you'll spend less on your electricity bill with an Ultrasun energy-efficient sunbed.
*Session time is based on skin type and other factors. The maximum session is 15 min. Your aesthetician will guide you through the session.
*Calculated using the UK: Energy Price Guarantee (1 October 2022 - 31 March 2023) electricity rate of 34.00 pence per kWh.
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